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A few service providers, who have perceived the ever increasing technology needs of their guests’, have already started building a technology infrastructure that offers the flexibility and scalability to fulfil these necessities. The prompting factor for this development was the increasing gap between the technology needs of guests’ and the amenities & facilities provided. Another factor to prompt this paradigm shift was the struggle with sluggish systems, lack of bandwidth, outdated or inadequate network design which lacked the capability to scale.
Best-of-class hotels, resorts, restaurants, and casinos have already built or are building a network infrastructure that offers the flexibility and scalability to quickly adapt to the ever-changing guest needs, staff dynamics, and property management requirements. Their infrastructures are based on a converged network and can integrate with today’s solutions, such as Wifi, online reservations, and IP-based surveillance.
Technology solutions by HelpMates, help the hotels / restaurants provide quality Wifi and Internet to its guests. With our solutions, hotels manage Internet speed and data usage and also prioritize Internet for recreational / entertainment activities, at the same time provide adequate Internet speed for guest, to send and receive vital work emails and office VPN work. Internet speed and data usage is controlled or modulated as per room tariff or guest value to provide High speed Internet Access (HSIA). With our solutions hotels remain protected from potential criminal activities, as Guests activities can be logged or tracked as per the Govt / Federal norms, plus the entire network is firewalled.
Our solutions provide advanced systems to control & allocate Internet, to improve the overall experience of the guest often exceeding expectations, thereby increasing guest’s satisfaction.